“It is the denial of death that is particularly responsible for people living empty purposeless lives; for when you live as if you will live forever, it becomes too easy to postpone things you know that you must do. You live your life in preparation for tomorrow or in remembrance of yesterday, and meanwhile

How Are We Treating Our Sons and Daughters Differently?

The following is an excerpt from my newest parenting book which educates parents, caregivers, teachers and counselors about how to raise girls in a non-sexist way while challenging sexism, stereotypes and sexualization. Strategy 1: My Sweetie Pie. Are you treating your daughters and sons differently? “They [parents] instruct girls and boys differently, they offer each

How Are We Treating Our Sons and Daughters Differently? Read More »

The Roots of Workplace Gender Inequality

This is a great article: “The Roots of Workplace Gender Inequality” from  Stanford University. It shows how although women and men both suffer from absurd work expectations, women also face the “career crushers” of discrimination and stigma from taking time off – that men do not. Also, this article shows how resistant senior executives are

The Roots of Workplace Gender Inequality Read More »

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