Imagine a circle of like-minded women who know you well, support you and also challenge you to be your absolute best. These women understand you and your dreams and through sharing and conversing help you achieve your goals and deal with problems along the way.
Unlike some of the more masculine networking and mastermind groups, in a Woman’s Circle you create a safe, confidential and non-competitive place that allows you to be candid. Over time you will engage in more authentic exchanges and develop deeper connections. Unlike book clubs and coffee klatches, a Woman’s Circle will keep you on track and focused through an easy-to-use and efficient process.
This book shows you how to create and run your own woman’s circle for business, career and life.
You will learn how to:
- Find the right members
- Draft an agenda
- Facilitate each meeting
- Create a space that is welcoming and safe
- Deal with problems as they arise
If you want to tap the wisdom of other women and wish to find true success and real life-balance, A Woman’s Circle is your secret weapon.