Canada lags behind in women leadership

Canada is lagging behind in women in leadership roles, and the shortcoming is noticeable both on a local and international scale, according to this Huffington Post Article:

From the absence of Canadians in celebrity-filled lists to empty seats in board rooms, two notable organizations have called out the lack of women leaders.

The Conference Board of Canada revealed Wednesday the number of women in senior management positions has barely changed in the past 22 years leaving men more than twice as likely to hold these positions.

In 2009, women made up 48 per cent women of the labour force, yet only 0.32 per cent held senior management positions, according to the report. “Now that the rousing early days of feminism are behind us, perhaps we have become complacent about the success of women in senior management,” Anne Golden, president and chief executive officer at the board, said in the report.

In middle-management levels, which includes managers and directors, men were still 1.5 times more likely to have these positions. “Between 1987 and 2009, the proportion of women in middle management rose by about 4 per cent. At that rate, it will take approximately 151 years before the proportion of men and women at the management level is equal,” Golden says.


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