Okay so you have a Twitter account. Now what? Here is how to start using Twitter in a few easy steps
- Twitter is an information exchange made up of 140-character messages called TWEETS.
- It’s an easy way to get fast NEWS on subjects you care about.
- You can both FOLLOW others and be FOLLOWED others. Start by following others.
- You can select others to Follow and their posts will display YOUR twitter page (in a timeline).
- When others begin to Follow you – you get an email notifying you.
- You can POST (write) a tweet and it will display on your FOLLOWERS twitter page.
- An easy way to find people is by looking as who your friends are following
- TWEETS often include links to photos, videos and to a hashtag(#) keyword
- You can connect your account to your cell phone and get tweets on the go
- You can send a tweet to others (RETWEET) or REPLY
- You can MENTION others by inserting @ and their twitter name in your tweet