A conference is being held in November at Stanford University to help Japan attract and promote more women at work and in society. Why? Last year Japan realized that they were facing a shrinking and aging population and in order to remain a wealthy nation they needed more workers. As a result, women, who have long been underrepresented Japan’s workforce, are receiving renewed attention. The conference notice mentions that the National Diet passed a law requiring large companies to analyze their current status of women and set numerical targets in one of several areas, but more work is needed. “Now that the issue of women in the workplace is being taken more seriously than ever before, it is time to mobilize serious research in the form of policy evaluation, create a new dialogue that can spark innovative ideas…This conference takes on the issue of women leadership and women’s positions in the Japanese workforce and society, with the objective to bring issues to the table and explore concrete mechanisms by which government policy, business practices, and social factors can be influences to make concrete progress for women’s leadership and participation in Japan. Read more here. http://aparc.fsi.stanford.edu/japan/events/womenomics-workplace-and-women-stanford-silicon-valley-us-japan-dialogue-2016

Japan needs workers so turns to women
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