Here is the proposal for my new book I am writing. I am searching for a great publisher. Pass it along!
Lean Out – 100 Ways to Shift Corporate Culture
So Women Can Reach the Top
by Maureen Fitzgerald, PhD (former policy lawyer) (copyright)
“Leaning In” is not enough
In her recent best-selling book “Lean In” Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO , urges women to step up and be stronger, tougher, and more courageous if they want to gain top leadership positions in North America. But as history shows us, this is not enough. As women go about “leaning in,” the bigger and more resistant barriers facing women remain untouched.
Even those women who make gains, will ultimately fail in ensuring the significant and long lasting change this world needs to create an equal society. Even Ms Sandberg admits that women face serious institutional barriers such as stereotyping, discrimination and lower pay. And she admits to her narrow focus by using the metaphor of a chicken and egg: “I am encouraging women to address the chicken [individual barriers] but I fully support those who are focusing on the egg [institutional barriers]. (p 9): “
While women are busy on self improvement the rest of us – about 98% – remain off the hook. Oblivious to the real culprit – corporate institutions and policies that prevent women from ever being truly powerful – women will continue to stay out of positions of power and influence. And to compound matters, by continuing to treat women’s advancement as an individual “woman’s pursuit,” women accept the responsibility, blame and burden while permitting men to sit back without questioning the very institutions that allow them to stay at the top.
In this book, Dr Fitzgerald, a former lawyer, law professor and gender expert gets to the heart of the reasons why women have remained with so little power and provides 50 practical ways to truly empower and advance women in the corporate world. Urging us to reject the pressure to be tougher and act like mini-men, she questions some of the most entrenched corporate practices, such as the 24/7 work culture.
This book brings together ten years of research and taps the wisdom of thought-leaders like Gloria Steinem, Anne Wilson Schaef, Susan Faludi, Carol Gilligan, Sue Monk Kidd, and Marianne Williamson. It introduces fresh , original and easy-to-understand ideas that any men and women can use immediately. This book is a manifesto for millions of professional women who grew up believing women had achieved equality, only to be shocked in mid-career. It was written not just for over-worked and frustrated professional women, but for their partners, their bosses and their daughters, so that the next generation can live the promise we were all given: You can be anything you want to be! [contact Maureen Fitzgerald at 604-228-8900;]