I have been writing 2 books on advancing women and girls for over four years now. It just occured to me that if I really wanted to get all my ideas out to the world quickly it would be better to write 8-10 smaller practical ebooks than 2 big hardcover books. So I recently chunked my books into the following “working titles.” Each ebook will be about 30-50 pages long. I would love your feedback as I am still researching, writing and searching for the perfect publisher-collaborator.
Advancing Women
- Winning the talent wars – How to attract and keep great women
- Not quite good enough– What’s really holding women back and how to change it
- Motherhood is madness – How to maintain your sanity, self esteem and power as a mother
- Feminine intelligence– How to find, value and tap your most authentic strengths
- More sex– How to make your wife love you more – guaranteed
Raising Strong Girls
- What your mother didn’t’ t tell you – 100 things your daughter needs to know about sexism, stereotypes and girl pressures
- Sexy, pretty and nice – How to help your daughter deal with pressures to be perfect
- Cliques, bullies and popularity– How to help your daughter deal with social pressures
- Self-esteem and resilience –How to truly empower your daughter in a man-made world.
also….Mindfulness (for lawyers)
- The Mindful Lawyer – Daily practices to reduce stress and help you live in the present
- Emotional Intelligence for Lawyers – What it is and how to use it in your practice