I teach a half-day course on writing non-fiction. Here are the main questions I tell my attendees to ask themselves before starting – and continually as they refine their ideas.
Why write this book?
1. Who are you writing it for?
2. Why are you writing it?
3. Who will want your book?
4. Why will they buy your book
5. How will they find and buy the book?
How will you “publish” it?
1. Who will write it (when and how)?
2. Who will illustrate it (or provide images and pictures)?
3. Who will do a feasibility study?
4. Who will send it to publishers?
5. Who will edit it (substance and copy edits)
6. Who will design it (and the cover)?
7. Who will do the layout?
8. Who will send it to the printer (pay and ensure quality)?
9. Who will store the books (and where)
10. Who offers the books for sale? How?
11. Who processes the sale (eg. money exchange )
12. Who delivers the book?
Getting Going
1. How will you select and refine your topic?
2. What expertise do you bring?
3. What’s you research plan?
4. Who are the other experts in the field?
5. What are the competing books?
Copyright www.MaureenFitzgerald.com