New law misses the opportunity to deal with RCMP harassment

Have you heard of window dressing? As you may know the RCMP are being sued by about 100 female officers for systemic discrimination. So what did the federal governmentt just do? It introduced a new law that gives senior RCMP managers even MORE power to discipline officers. Increase the power at the top. As an expert in bullying, I am fairly sure that this will not encourage more reporting of bullying or harassmentt, and will likely push it further underground. Indeed the new legislation says nothing about dealing with harassment at all. It seems weird to me when such an opportunity arises to come clean. Perhaps nobody looked at the research on bullying or restorative justice? Perhaps they were not really interested in creating a better RCMP culture so that bullying could simply not happen. Sadly, I am not sure. [Source: Vancouver Sun,  21 June 2012]

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