Katrina Onstad of the Globe wrote a great article in response to Time Magazines’ headline, “Men Spend More Time in the Kitchen” Here are a few of her insights (merged with mine). When men do show up in the kitchen, they tend to do the high visibility work, like meals for guests and barbeque – not the grocery shopping, not the meal planning or lunches and not the cleaning up. Women do the vast majority of the mundane and day-in-day-out feeding of the family – which tends to be invisible and undervalued. Women are expected to do this work, whereas men are not. Yet in the restaurants men are the ones who rise to the top as chefs. Indeed only one woman has ever won the Top Chef in the US and only 10% of executive chefs in the US are women. Something to ponder. [Source: Globe & Mail May 12, 2012]

What men and women do in the kitchen is very different
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