Why young men behave badly

Here is what I got from an amazing talk by Michael Kimmel at UBC last week. It was on “GuyLand” – boys and masculinity.

Our young boys are STILL being told to adhere to an out dated masculinity code that requires them to: not be feminine or a sissy; be a big wheel; be a sturdy oak and be very daring (the so called “man box”). The older men in our society do not teach our young men (as they do in other cultures) how to be a GOOD MAN (e.g., caring, strong and compassionate). Thus we have another generation of sporty-men and fraternity guys still trashing women and acting tough. It’s  time for men to learn about how gender affects them. Its time for fathers to learn how to teach their boys what a good man really is! And get off the porno sites!



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