I attended a great talk today put on by Women in Film and TV (WIFTV) in Vancouver. Kim Hudson, author of “Virgins Promise” explained the way in which a women’s life journey is different from a man’s. Based in extensive research, she challenged the old myth that “all humans” go through a similar life journey called the “hero’s journey” as popularized by Joseph Campbell (and Jungian psychologists). This journey has become the major story line in most movies made today and reflects a male (not female) life line. In his narative, he faces the fear of death and conquers evil, amoung other things. A women’s journey is very different and needs to be better reflected in movies and popular culture. In other words, we need robust woman characters and more authethentic women’s stories. A female journey is about finding fulfilment, creative awakening and getting unstuck. In other words, not killing the villain, but rather enlightening him. Fantastic stuff and lots to chew on!

Women Take a Different Hero’s Journey
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