Join the millions of others benefitting from this scientifically proven method for calming your thoughts and emotions while living fully in the present moment. “Mindfulness Made Easy” is a collection of best practices based on the work of experts such as Jon Kabat-Zinn, Pema Chodron, and Daniel Siegel. A great introduction to mindfulness, it includes easy tools to reduce stress and create calm including how to:
- Calm your “monkey mind”
- Relax by breathing deeply
- Eat mindfully
- Meditate without sitting on a pillow
- Scan your body and release tension
Select one each day or practice with others, share them with your friends and family, use them in the classroom or keep them in your office desk.
As Fitzgerald says, “When people pay attention to their body, their thoughts and their emotions, they wake up to a totally new way of understanding themselves and begin interacting with the world in amazingly positive ways.”