A new report by Deloitte Report shows women’s leadership gap remains. Here are some of the findings. Women hold 15 percent of board seats worldwide, a slight increase from 2015. Organizations with women in the top leadership positions have almost double the number of board seats held by women. Women hold only 4 percent of CEO
Here it is. My new Book Trailer for my book: Lean Out- How to Dismantle the Corporate Barriers That Hold Women Back. Please circulate widely! Click here.
In 20 minutes Ashley Judd describes the horrors of online misogyny and asks men and particularly the tech industry to stop sexist behaviour (especially in creating violent misogynist games for boys). Immediately. As she says, online hateful word are HATE CRIMES against women and should be treated as such. My question is: Where are the MOTHERS
A conference is being held in November at Stanford University to help Japan attract and promote more women at work and in society. Why? Last year Japan realized that they were facing a shrinking and aging population and in order to remain a wealthy nation they needed more workers. As a result, women, who
The world is facing an acute misuse of talent by not acting faster to tackle gender inequality, which could put economic growth at risk and deprive economies of the opportunity to develop, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2016, which is published today. The report is an annual benchmarking exercise
Here is a great article: When a company is in trouble, the buck stops with the CEO, right? Not necessarily. According to a new study, 80% of press reports about female CEOs involved in a crisis cited the chief as the source of the problem. But when a man was at the helm, only
Join Equal Voice BC to watch the results, hoist a beverage and cheer (or jeer) the results. The first American polls close at 5 pm Pacific Time, and we’ll be welcoming members and friends from 5:30 pm. Where: Doolin’s Irish Pub (VIP Room) 654 Nelson Street, Vancouver, BC When: November 8, 2016. 5.30 pm –
This is a powerful speech that will go down in history. A must watch. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/14/us/politics/michelle-obama-donald-trump-women.html?_r=1
We all know that BC Premier Christy Clark disclosed that she too had been attacked as a young girl. This is a brave and good thing to do. However, as Daphne Bramham points out in her wise article, a powerful leader must do much more that just talk. Here is an excerpt from that
I am excited about attending the Minerva “Face of Leadership Conference” on June 22. Come join me and learn about diversity and inclusion. https://theminervafoundation.com/announcing-the-full-face-of-leadershiptm/