I use the following the ten questions as the Table of Contents for my upcoming book, titled: 50 Ways to Advance Women.” I hope this book (that I am struggling to get done!) will become the “textbook” for the Lean In movement!
- Do humans really thrive in a 24/7 competitive culture?
- Are men really better workers and leaders than women?
- Are masculine traits better than feminine traits?
- Are women really smart, serious, professional and strong?
- Should those in part time and flex jobs be paid less than others?
- Do women homemakers and child-raisers really enjoy working for no pay or benefits?
- Is it possible or healthy to separate work life and family life?
- Is it normal or healthy to reject or downplay emotions at work?
- Are friendships and personal relations problematic at work and business?
- What do we mean when we tell women “You can’t have your cake and eat it too?”