“Wretchedly soulless work is rampant, and, thanks to an increase in spiritual awareness and personal development, people no longer want to be part of an organization that is not responsible socially and environmentally. Many more people want to make a difference, not just a living.” —Jack Canfield and Jacqueline Miller, Heart at Work
“If you don’t care about where you are going, any direction will do.” -Anonymous
“Finding a mission and then fulfilling it is perhaps the most vital activity in which a person can engage.” —Richard Leider and David A. Shapiro, Repacking Your Bags
While more dads adopt the banner of feminism, what does that really mean? Here are five things that every feminist dad does: He is a true life partner. A feminist dad sees himself as equal to his spouse. He does not fall for either the “homemaker” or “sole breadwinner” stereotypes. He does not think that
Here is the SECOND strategy in my upcoming book. I welcome your feedback and please pass along to your friends! MOTHERHOOD IS MADNESS – 13 WAYS TO FIND BALANCE AND FREE YOURSELF FROM THE STICKY FLOOR “It was (and perhaps in some places still is) quite common for people to say to the women who hire a substitute to care for