
It took 13 years for discrimination case shame on lawyers

2300 women sue financial sector giant! Read this article in Bloomberg. “Gender discrimination case against Goldman Sachs has finally won class-action status. Three plaintiffs will represent as many as 2,300 current and former employees at the company who believe they have been treated unfairly because of their gender. This Bloomberg piece dives into the backstory of one of

It took 13 years for discrimination case shame on lawyers Read More »

I am proud: Canada is a leader in advancing Gender Equality

The Government of Canada under Justin Trudeau has done something amazing for women and our whole society. The report is well worth the read. It says: The knowledge-based economy demands a skilled, adaptable and diversified workforce to support Canada’s competitiveness and prosperity. All Canadians should have the opportunity to make choices about their education based on their

I am proud: Canada is a leader in advancing Gender Equality Read More »

Come to the Women Lawyers Forum on June 12 to learn about gender impact

Join the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) Women on Monday June 12 at 6-7:30. I wish I could be there! Sign up here. Here is the blurb: Why is it that men who yell are “passionate” and “powerful”, but women who raise their voices “screech”, “nag”, and “get hysterical”? Why are women criticized for saying “sorry”,

Come to the Women Lawyers Forum on June 12 to learn about gender impact Read More »

Dr. Elizabeth Croft a UBC professor and gender expert speaks tonight at WXN

I have seen Elizabeth speak and she knows what she is talking about. She is a tireless advocate for attracting more women into STEM and particularly engineering! It should be a great WXN EVENT on JUNE 8. Click here for more information.  

Dr. Elizabeth Croft a UBC professor and gender expert speaks tonight at WXN Read More »

What to say when someone says they REALLY tried to hire a woman

I just got a call from a client. She recently gave a talk on the importance of gender diversity and was faced with a “tough question” from a man in the audience. He said this: “We have tried so hard to promote women in our organisation, but they rarely want the jobs. I guess they just have different priorities or

What to say when someone says they REALLY tried to hire a woman Read More »

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