This is a very good article describing how the Canadian Federal government gives money to specific groups of women (who question its long-term effectiveness) but meanwhile ignores the deeper causes of gender inequality.
Here is an except of the article by Sadiya Ansari:
“Political advocacy was cut from the listed activities eligible for funding by Status of Women by the Conservative government in 2011 and the terminology “advancing gender equality” disappeared from the agency’s mandate. When the Conservatives first took power in 2006, 12 out of 16 Status of Women offices were shut down across the country, cutting 61 jobs out of the 131 positions that existed at the agency at the time.
The targeted use of depleted resources in ethnic communities is deliberate, said Sunera Thobani, a professor of women’s studies at the University of British Columbia and former president of president of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women, Canada’s largest feminist organization. “I really consider this an attempt by the Canadian state to shape feminist politics in the country,” Thobani said. “In a perverse kind of way, it blames women for the violence they experience because in a way, it says it’s sanctioned by your culture.” Source