Feminine Intelligence

Six women selected to find ancient human

I can’t help but cheer when I see that the individuals selected to tunnel down and crawl through caves locate the new discovery of our ancient human ancestors (hominid) were all women. They needed to be both small enough and smart enough to make the discovery. That is feminine intelligence at its best. [Source: Amy Ellis Nutt, […]

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Harper government holds women back

Here are Joyce Murray’s (Member of Parliament) recent words in our Federal legislature: Mr. Speaker, 48 years ago today, Liberal Prime Minister Lester Pearson officially established the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada, based on the concept of equal opportunity for women and men. The royal commission played a major role in defining

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Instead of questioning gender barriers lets blame women, again

I practiced law for 20+ years. I refused to admit (even to myself) that there were any gender barriers. I (like all my brilliant and assertive female colleagues) fell hook-line-and sinker for the myth that women were their own worst enemies. We attended talk after talk to learn about what we were doing wrong. Wear

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Yeah For Carrie Serwetnyk super soccer coach

The glass ceiling hit our first female soccer player inducted into the soccer hall of fame. Due to the barrieers she faced trying to get into soccer organisations Carrie Serwetnyk not only published a soccer magazine: Free Kicks but also founded “Why the Womens World Cup Matters” to draw awareness to the inequality and discrimination facing girls

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